Vishva Shiksha Niketan Sr. Sec. School, Permanent Recognized, English Medium, Sr. Sec., Co-educational School running under aegis of Vishva Shiksha Niketan Since 1974. The salubrious climate, Sylvan setting amidst the Shivalik ranges, academic and recreational facilities give this school a special niche for its in the vicinity. To provide a viable environment to pupils, the school building is situated in the picturesque surrounding. In Virat Nagar just 1.5 Km. away form pinjore (HR) and 500mtr. Form CRPF. We strive to provide Comprehensive quality education for developing an all around personality of the child. VISHVA SHIKSHA NIKETAN hones the strengths of the students and helps in overcoming their weakness.

Wisdom, Love, Service. This school strongly belives that the aim of education should be develop every student into balanced, self reliant and disciplined citizen of the country and hence it endeavors to imbibe the spirit of WISDOM ( doubtless knowledge) LOVE ( Lustless love) and SERVICE ( Selfless service) wisdom, Love, Service.
This school strongly belives that the aim of education should be develop every student into balanced, self reliant and disciplined citizen of the country and hence it endeavors to imbibe the spirit of WISDOM ( doubtless knowledge) LOVE (Lustless love) and SERVICE ( Selfless service).

Under 21st century leadership programme, we stand committed to creating 21st century leaders- ready, Eager and Happy to take on the challenges of life with a proactive approach, Competence, ever-learning attitude and character based on timeless value of WISDOM, LOVE, SERVICE which are the three unities through which the thread of benevolence pass.
This process with ultimately lead to happiness and growth of all stake holders. The whole nurturing process is put up symbolically in the form a floral figure. The central thalamus stands of our core vision imbibing values of knowledge, guidance, love and encouragement. The five sepals represent the various value-added programmes we are running in the school striving for a good nurturing of the children.
The teachers are co learner facilitation the learning and growth process through unconditional Love, Care and Warmth to children.